Zygomatic implants are permanent, low-maintenance teeth with nearly a 100% chance of lasting for at least 12 years and a good likelihood of lasting much longer, even a lifetime. If you’ve been told that you aren’t a great candidate for dental implants because of significant bone loss, there may still be options available to you. One of them is zygomatic dental implants. Although zygomatic implants aren’t necessarily appropriate for every patient, they can offer new hope to many with missing teeth.
When considering any type of medical treatment, including dental implants, it’s important to learn about the potential benefits and complications. Talk to your dentist about how long your zygomatic dental implants might last and whether they could be a good option for you.
How do zygomatic implants compare to traditional implants?
Traditional dental implants and zygomatic implants both have a highly favorable survival rate. A survey of various clinical studies reveals that traditional dental implants have a typical survival rate of 90% to 95% for 10 years.
Could the implants last longer?
Unlike certain dental treatments, such as dentures, dental implants are indeed intended to be a permanent solution to tooth loss. It’s entirely possible for your zygomatic implants to last for the rest of your life.
Dental implants are inserted directly into the bone mass. Through a process known as osseointegration, the bone fuses to the implant, holding it tightly in place and preventing movement.
Osseointegration takes just a few months to complete, and when the implant is fused, it could potentially remain there for the rest of your life.
It’s important to note, however, that the implant is comprised of multiple components. The visible part of the implant is the crown. It’s the white, porcelain component that looks just like a natural tooth. Crowns might not always last the rest of your life. Due to damage caused by wear and tear over time, the crown portion of the implant might need to be replaced at some point.
How can patients improve the longevity of their zygomatic dental implants?
There are a few things you can do to increase the odds that your zygomatic implants will last a lifetime. First, if you’re a smoker, it’s critically important that you quit. Smoking significantly increases the risk of not only complications during the procedure, but also the risk of failure afterward. Smoking inhibits the body’s healing response and it suppresses the osseointegration of the bone to the implant.
Bruxism is another significant risk factor of dental implant failure. Bruxism is the clinical term for teeth grinding. Many people have bruxism without realizing it, as teeth grinding often occurs during sleep. If you suspect you might have bruxism, talk to your dentist about getting fitted with a custom-made nightguard to prevent damage.
Why are zygomatic implants different from traditional implants?
Traditional dental implants are placed directly into the jawbone. The jawbone then fuses around the implant posts, creating a firm bond. The dentist then places an abutment on top of the implant, which holds the crown securely in place.
The same concept is used for zygomatic implants. However, whereas a traditional dental implant looks like a relatively short post, a zygomatic implant is much longer. It is angled back into the cheekbone. The clinical term for the cheekbone is the “zygoma,” hence the name, zygomatic. This is why zygomatic implants are a good alternative to traditional implants for people who lack sufficient jawbone mass to support regular implants.
However, the caveat is that zygomatic implants can only replace missing teeth on the upper jaw; this technique won’t work for the lower jaw. Even if you do have missing teeth on both the upper and lower jaw, zygomatic implants could still be a great way to improve your quality of life. They would eliminate the need for an upper denture, and upper dentures tend to be more difficult to manage than lower dentures.
Consult the dental implant specialists on Long Island
Although dental implants are a relatively common, straightforward procedure, zygomatic dental implants require specialized expertise. It’s essential to choose a dental implant provider whom you can trust to prioritize your health and safety. That’s why so many residents in Huntington, NY and the surrounding areas go to Long Island Implant and Cosmetic Dentistry. With years of experience and a long track record of clinical success with zygomatic implants, our dentists can help you enjoy a fully restored smile. Contact us today to request a consultation.